By donating clothes, you’re helping charities, the environment and those in need.

File a Complaint

Please complete the form below with your feedback or complaint.

Thank you for booking a collection!

Simply leave the bags on your doorstep on the date you have chosen, and we will pick them up.

We recommend adding a reminder on your phone/calendar, thanks!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

At Bag2Charity, we take complaints seriously and strive to address them promptly. You can expect a response within five working days of submitting your complaint, and our goal is to resolve the issue during your initial contact with us. If your concern requires more in-depth investigation or is of a complex nature, rest assured, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and keep you informed about the steps we're taking to delve into the matter further. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're committed to ensuring a smooth resolution process.